Monday, April 7, 2008


1. Planner: Aaron
a. CW: Christen Mundt
b. AD: Claire Grunwood & Ashley Williams

2. Planner: Jacey
a. CW: Abby Bobich
b. AD: Kate Mulligan

3. Planner: Tom
a. CW: Kip Reynolds
b. AD: Amy Ryan

4. Planner: Becky
a. CW: Jamie Romatowshi
b. AD: Russell Mantione

5. Planner: Jane
a. CW: Cassie Broeckert
b. AD: Patrick Foulks

6. Planner: Aaron
a. AD: Nicole Paulson
b. AD: Jason Ma

7. Planner: Jacey
a. AD: Quinn VanNess
b. AD: Jessica Ryan

(I hope I spelled all of the names correctly. I couldn't read my own handwriting!)

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